LINES Instructions
Game is played on 9x9 board of squares. Initially squares are empty. Game generates three balls with random colors (7 colors) and places them randomly onto board. Player can move the cursor (arrow keys or 2,6,8,4 keys) on top of the ball (ball is inside red frame) and click left phone key or number five to select the ball. Selected ball starts to jump up and down. Now player can select empty square and move the ball to there by pressing again left phone key or number five key. Ball is moved only if there is path of empty squares between selected ball and selected square.
When player manages to align 5 or more same colored balls to vertical, horizontal or diagonal line (or lines), then these balls will be removed and game score is increased accordingly.

Score is calculated as follows: 2 points for each ball in disappearing line for first 5 ball. Extra point are given when player aligns more than 5 balls - additional score is calculated by squaring the number of exceeding balls and multiplying it by 3. So if player manages to align 5 same colored balls then score is increased by 10, but if player manages to align 6 balls, then score is increased by 6*2+1*1*3=15. Seven aligned balls will result 7*2+2*2*3=26, eight aligned balls results 43 points.
Additional extra point are given when player manages to align more than 5 balls in more than one direction at the same time (vertical and horizontal lines of yellow balls on screenshot).

Lines Highscore Table
Lines Highscore Table is public free highscore table for all Lines gamers. It is possible to send top score from each device to this table. Sending is activated by selecting Upload from Highscore screen. First time player will be asked for name for Highscore table - this name uniquely identifies the device (phone) and it is shown under 'Device name' column. Player cannot register a name that is already taken. Each device will have only one row in global Lines Highscore Table. This row can be updated anytime - updating will send top score and top score name from phone local Highscore list to internet server. Server reports back players position and current maximum score. This way you can compare your results with others anytime and anywhere.
